Thursday, December 13, 2007

Moving to Linux

Kanati Inc. now embracing the idea of opensource, but for not techie geek like some of Kanati's employees here, moving to linux used to be a big deal. Contrary for techie guru here said it was cheaper, more reliable, and more flexible. HP, IBM, Novell and Sun Microsystems -- has dispensed with that fear. Supported by integrators and buoyed by ever-improving technology, all kinds of organisations are happily using Linux for a range of mission-critical services.

Of course, there will always be certain applications that just aren't available on Linux: for example, or graphics-intensive tools are likely to prefer Windows. It's important to work out a strategy for keeping the two environments working in synch -- for example, keeping your data in a separate environment, such as a storage area network, neutral file server or platform-agnostic database, which is equally accessible from all platforms.

Linux is no longer unsupportable. It's probably premature for most companies to slowly cut their ties with Windows but lets see what are the benefits of using linux and beside there's no license fee at all.

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