Sunday, November 18, 2007

Company Outing! Party Party….

Kanati Employees will be having outing in Laguna! Mark your Calendar, Nov 30 2007!!!

E-commerce site

Cristaline's Closet offers wide variety of fantastic vintage items and collectibles that have been purchased at home and come from abroad.
This Site is powered by KANATI Inc.

What is Pari-mutuels?

Parimutuel betting (from the French language: pari mutuel, mutual betting) is a betting system in which all bets of a particular type are placed together in a pool; taxes and a house take are removed, and payoff odds are calculated by sharing the pool among all placed bets.

The parimutuel system is used in gambling on horse racing, greyhound racing, jai alai, and all sporting events of relatively short duration in which participants finish in a ranked order. A modified parimutuel system is also used in some lottery games.

Parimutuel gambling is frequently state-regulated, and offered in many places where gambling is otherwise illegal. Parimutuel gambling is often also offered at "off track" facilities, where players may bet on the events without actually being present to observe them in person.

Parimutuel betting differs from fixed odds betting in that the final payout is not determined until the pool is closed – in fixed odds betting, the payout is agreed at the time the bet is sold.


See what we’ve done!

Hi! In this page you can see all sites we’ve done in the past few years.

2. JOB opportunity (see our website on career page)

We are looking for an SEO assistant; SEO writer and web designer … please click the link provided if you’re interested!

1. I’m working here!

Kanati Inc.

We are a technology partner with focused attention and expertise specific to your industry. We are a team of programmers, mathematicians, and artists that specialize in creating web or desktop applications for ecommerce or pari-mutuel racing platforms. We create these solutions using the latest open source technologies from Java, PHP, MySQL, and Linux. Our in depth knowledge of e-commerce and pari-mutuel racing enables us to work more quickly and deliver on your requests more efficiently.